MyGardenIdea is a place to learn how to grow and care for lush green gardens with beautiful flowers, and easy to implement the latest home decoration ideas.
Why Are My Morning Glories Drooping

Why Are My Morning Glories Drooping?

Morning Glories are beautiful flowers found in many gardens and landscapes. They are fast-growing and can make a wonderful addition to your garden if they are properly taken care of. What if your Morning Glories are drooping and have discolored leaves? Why does this happen, and what can you do about it? Morning Glories tend…

How Many Pumpkins Can You Grow Per Acre

How Many Pumpkins Can You Grow Per Acre?

Pumpkins are popular, easy, and fun to grow and can be an excellent choice for beginner and experienced gardeners. All they require is direct sunlight, water, and shelter from the cold winds. However, many questions arise when growing them, such as; how many can you grow in one acre and how many fruits does one…

Why Are My Beets All Tops And No Bottoms 

Why Are My Beets All Tops And No Bottoms 

Growing beetroots can be a great gardening experience, as they can yield a large harvest depending on how much land you allocate for their growth. However, if you’ve noticed that your beets are all leaves with no roots, you may wonder why. Your beetroots may be growing great leaves yet no bulbs for numerous reasons,…

Why Aren't My Cuttings Rooting? (Why Do Cuttings Fail?)

Why Aren’t My Cuttings Rooting? (Why Do Cuttings Fail?)

Taking a cutting from a plant is the process of removing a strong shoot and hoping that it will grow roots resulting in a clone of your original plant. This will ensure the cutting shares similar characteristics to the parent plant. However, if your cutting doesn’t produce roots, you may ask yourself, why is my…

Is It Too Late To Plant Iris Bulbs?

Is It Too Late To Plant Iris Bulbs?

Iris bulbs do great when they are planted in the fall. This gives them plenty of time to grow strong roots so that they can bloom the next summer. But how late is too late to plant them? If the ground has already frozen where you live, it’s too late to plant iris bulbs. It’s…

How To Get Rid Of Devil's Walking Stick

How To Get Rid Of Devil’s Walking Stick

D​evil’s walking stick produces beautiful, late-summer blooms, but its thorny stems can be a huge hassle. It also spreads like wildfire and can be difficult to control. So how do you get rid of devil’s walking stick when it’s taking over your yard? Eliminating devil’s walking stick permanently is no easy task, but it’s possible…

What Happens If You Plant Potatoes Upside Down?

What Happens If You Plant Potatoes Upside Down?

Potatoes are relatively easy to grow and often produce large harvests. But will they grow no matter which way you place them in the ground? What happens if you plant potatoes upside down? I​f you accidentally plant potatoes upside down, they will still grow just fine. It’s best to plant them with the eye facing…

Is My Russian Sage Dead?

Is My Russian Sage Dead?

Does your Russian sage look woody and lifeless after a long winter? If you’re new to growing this shrub, you might be shocked in the spring to only notice long, woody stems that don’t seem to have any new leaves growing. Is your Russian sage dead, or is there something you can do to help…

Honeydew On Plants But No Bugs: What's The Deal?

Honeydew On Plants But No Bugs: What’s The Deal?

Honeydew on plants is typically a sign of an insect infestation. But what does it mean if you’ve noticed honeydew on your plants but can’t find any bugs? I​f there’s a sticky liquid on your plants but you don’t immediately notice any aphids, your plant might have an infestation of scale bugs, which are very…

How Late Can You Plant Purple Hull Peas?

How Late Can You Plant Purple Hull Peas?

For many gardeners, purple hull peas are a summer staple. They are tasty, nutritious, and easy to grow. But when is the best time to add them to your garden? How late can you plant purple hull peas?type of bean. They are tasty, nutritious, and easy to grow. But when is the best time to…