How to grow Aloe Vera at home

  • Date: May 27, 2022
  • Time to read: 3 min.

Aloe vera is a plant that does not require too much care and whose benefits for our health are infinite, so we should not miss the opportunity to plant it at home. It doesn’t matter how you know it: its properties, components and benefits for the body are many.

Aloe Vera is known for its many medicinal and aesthetic benefits. For this reason, it is one of the most demanded in plant or health food stores.

Wouldn’t it be ideal to have one at home?

Benefits and properties of aloe vera.

We have already mentioned the wide range of medicinal and aesthetic possibilities of using this plant.

However, it is worth highlighting some benefits of aloe vera:

  • Contributes to the regeneration of skin tissues (conditions, cuts or burns).
  • It is rich in vitamins of all groups, especially B, amino acids and fatty acids.
  • Helps fight constipation and promotes good digestion.
  • It is a purifying plant.
  • Helps in the regeneration of internal tissues.
  • It is a natural pain reliever and does not cause side effects.
  • Helps the immune system.
  • It is anti-inflammatory.

The most feasible option.

It is logical, then, that given its multiple properties, many people want to have this gift of nature within their reach.

Luckily for us, it can be planted in the comfort of our home, without requiring exaggerated land spaces or special care.

Types of aloe vera.

Before planting it, we must bear in mind that there are different types of aloe vera. Next, we will talk about the most common and beneficial for the body.

Aloe aristata.

It is characterized by having a central rosette, with a diameter of 15 to 30 centimeters, and quite voluminous or fleshy leaves.

It also has the common properties of common aloe vera and its use is greater in medicinal treatments.

Aloe arborescens.

This variety grows quickly. Its figure is similar to that of an octopus and can reach more than 4 meters.

Its properties and benefits are the same as those of the other types. However, its main uses are focused on healing.

Aloe saponaria.

The leaves of this type of plant are approximately 15 to 20 centimeters long. They are fleshy and their ends are adorned by a group of thorn in a straight line.

It is one of the most used in homes, since it does not grow much and is beautiful.

What do I need to grow aloe vera at home?

Once the type of plant we want to grow has been chosen, other relevant aspects should not be lost sight of.


  • A pot made of clay.
  • Gravel for the drainage system.
  • Garden soil and peat soil, in equal parts.
  • Aloe vera cuttings (of the variety chosen above).

Steps to grow and grow the plant.

Practically everything is ready. Now you need skill and hand to plant aloe vera at home.

Pay close attention to the steps:

  • First, put the gravel in the bottom of the pot. This will fulfill two functions. First, it will serve as a drain, and second, it will prevent rotting of the plant.
  • Deposit the soil halves mentioned in the materials (garden and peat). Avoid mixing them with beach sand, as it is harmful to aloe vera.
  • Next, center the type of aloe vera chosen and cover with the earth as far as the leaves begin to emerge from it. It is already planted.
  • We will water it at this time, but afterwards we should avoid watering it in an estimated time of 2 weeks.
  • Afterwards, put the pot with the aloe vera near a window so that it can receive good amounts of sun. We cannot forget that this type of plant requires a lot of sunlight.
  • Water with water every 2 weeks.
  • Protect your leaves during the winter to avoid wilting them. The cold can kill it, for this reason the care must be very disciplined.
  • Pluck the hatchlings and plant them in a different garden or pot to avoid damage to the largest or main one.
  • Water with water every 2 weeks.
  • Protect your leaves during the winter to avoid wilting them. The cold can kill it, for this reason the care must be very disciplined.
  • Pluck the hatchlings and plant them in a different garden or pot to avoid damage to the largest or main one.
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