How to make your own marigold grow at home

  • Date: May 27, 2022
  • Time to read: 3 min.

Whether we are going to have it in our garden or in a pot, it is essential to bear in mind that marigolds need a lot of sun and heat to grow and flourish.

If you want to get your own calendula plant to take advantage of all its medicinal properties, it is important that you know how to grow it in the comfort of your home.  Enjoy all the benefits that exist by having this peculiar flower in your home.

Calendula is one of the best known and most popular medicinal plants. Scientifically known as Calendula officinalis, it is native to Egypt, although today it can be found all over the world.  

It is used both as an ornamental plant and in the medicinal area. It also has different therapeutic applications, both for treating minor injuries, as well as for topical use.  You might be surprised at the breadth of uses that can be attributed to this fantastic flower.

The petals have long been used as natural remedies for:

  • Prevent muscle aches.
  • Treat mouth and throat pain.
  • Relieve menstrual cramps (also to provoke the start of menstruation).
  • Reduce fever.
  • Accelerate healing.

Growing calendula at home can be very simple: you just need a few materials to do it. We’ll show you what you have to do. You just have to follow the directions and in no time you will have a useful and beautiful plant full of flowers in your precious garden.

Know what you need to grow calendula at home.

1. First, the seeds.

When growing, we must have the basic and essential elements. And before telling you everything you need, you should buy enough calendula seeds. It would be a shame to have everything available, but to have forgotten the essentials. When growing, we must have the basic and essential elements. And before telling you everything you need, you should buy enough calendula seeds. It would be a shame to have everything available, but to have forgotten the essentials. Once you have decided which place is the most suitable, it is time to plant the marigold.

  • Choose the seedbed of the size you prefer, depending on how big you want the plant to grow or how many you want to plant.
  • Fill it with fresh soil, leaving about two-thirds of the container free.

2. Utensils.

  • Gloves
  • A spoon: it will help you separate the earth and place the seeds.

3. How to cultivate it?

  • First, put on your gloves and add the soil in the pots.
  • After that, place some seeds on the surface.
  • Next, help yourself with the spoon to cover said seeds with a little soil, and water.
  • After about two months the first leaves will start to emerge.

4. Patience is a virtue.

Calendula is a plant that grows at a fast rate, making it perfect for the impatient. However, when the calendula begins to appear, we must wait until it is at least 5 centimeters in size before transplanting it into a pot.

5. Time to move her.

After reaching the right size, it is time to transplant it from the seedbed to its permanent place.

Whether we are going to transplant the marigold directly into our garden or into a pot, we must ensure in both cases that all the roots and the soil around it are moved from home intact.

Before moving the plant, we must prepare its new home so that the transplant is as fast as possible. We will have to dig a hole in the ground or in the pot big enough for the plant. The seed packages indicate the necessary space required by each plant:

  • The smallest ones will need about 12 centimeters.
  • The largest ones about 45 centimeters of distance between them and the rest of the plants that are nearby.

Do you dare to grow your own calendula? Let’s do it!

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