
How to plant rosemary, parsley and mint at home

  • Date: May 27, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.

Rosemary, parsley, and mint plants are easy to grow at home. What should you keep in mind? What are the necessary materials? This time we tell you everything about it.

Aromatic herbs, such as rosemary, parsley and mint, adapt with some ease to all types of soils and climatic conditions, so it is a very good idea to have them at home. Besides being able to use them in the kitchen, they also have some medicinal uses.


On this occasion, we want to show you how to grow these types of plants at home. In this way, you will always have fresh aromatic herbs at home for when you need them most. Let’s do it!

How to plant rosemary at home?

Rosemary is an aromatic herb with many properties and health benefits. It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. 


In addition, in the home it is used to prepare stews and also as a natural repellent for mosquitoes. In general, this plant is easy to grow and does not require a lot of effort. Next, we share the step by step for you to plant rosemary at home.


  • Rosemary cuttings or seeds.
  • Pots.
  • Substratum.
  • Shovel.
  • Water.


  • Take some rosemary cuttings about 8 centimeters long. If possible, they should be cut in early summer.
  • If you don’t have rosemary cuttings, the other option is to buy the seeds.
  • Fill a pot with potting soil and make sure it has a good drainage system to remove excess water.
  • Place the rosemary cuttings or seeds, and then move the pot to a place in your home where it receives a good amount of sunlight.
  • Another option is to plant rosemary in the garden, as this plant adapts easily to any soil.
  • Rosemary is an aromatic that prefers dry soil, therefore, avoid overwatering it.

How to plant parsley at home?

Parsley is a plant with many health benefits and different uses in gastronomy.  This plant has potential as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and carminative. 

Fortunately, it can be grown very easily at home and is a great way to better preserve its flavor and aroma when using it.


  • Parsley seeds.
  • Earth.
  • Flowerpot or planter.
  • Water.


  • The first thing you have to do is find a place in your house where sunlight gives between 4 and 6 hours a day. The sun is very important for this plant and it is difficult for it to grow without it.
  • Fill the pot with soil, leaving a few inches free before reaching the top, and plant the parsley seeds. It can be planted at any time of the year, although exposing it to excessive heat or cold should be avoided.
  • Keep in mind that the germination of parsley is a bit slow, so it is not surprising that several days go by without it poking at the top of the pot.
  • The pot should have a drainage mode so that the water seeps in and does not drown the plant.
  • To achieve a compact and tender plant, the flowers should not be allowed to grow. The ideal is to tear them off. We can also use these flowers and their seeds to make a new pot with parsley.

How to plant mint at home?

Mint is a very popular plant that is used to prevent and treat different health problems. In the home it is used as a repellent against ants, aphids and other common pests of plants, in addition to being common in beauty as an ingredient to tone the skin.

The data collected in an Ancient Science of Life study highlights that peppermint has antimicrobial, carminative, stimulant and antispasmodic activities and is therefore used as an adjunct against various diseases such as headaches and digestive disorders.

The best thing is that this plant is very easy to grow at home and does not require much care. Pay attention to these instructions and enjoy its freshness at home.


  • Peppermint cuttings or seeds.
  • A flower pot.
  • Soil or substrate for plants.


  • A very easy way to plant mint is by using cuttings from another plant. However, peppermint seeds can also be used.
  • Mint grows horizontally, so it is recommended to get a wide pot, about 20 cm deep.
  • Verify that the pot has a drainage system to remove excess water.
  • Fill the pot with enough soil or substrate, preferably one that contains good nutrients.
  • Sow the cuttings or mint seeds.
  • Although the peppermint plant should receive a little sunlightit is best to keep it in the shade for as long as possible.
  • It is important to water it regularly, as this plant prefers slightly humid soils.

Rosemary, parsley and mint: versatile and healthy.

These three plants, in addition to being easy to grow, are versatile in the kitchen and have interesting properties for health. Follow the recommendations given and go ahead and introduce them into your garden.

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