MyGardenIdea is a place to learn how to grow and care for lush green gardens with beautiful flowers, and easy to implement the latest home decoration ideas.
Do Raspberries Grow on Bushes

Do Raspberries Grow on Bushes?

Raspberries grow on bushes typically in cooler climates but there are many varieties that withstand warmer environments. Raspberry bushes tend to grow fairly high, reaching four to six feet maximum. They usually produce fruit during the summer months. In this article, you will learn how to identify a raspberry bush, what it looks like when…

Alternatives to Grass Under Trees

Alternatives to Grass Under Trees

Tending to the grass in your lawn can be quite the task, especially for grass found under trees and shrubbery. Instead, you may enjoy using evergreen moss, artificial turf, perennial beds, chamomile, gravel, bark, or slate chippings as alternatives to grass under trees. Evergreen Moss Evergreen moss survives and thrives year-round, making it an easy…

What happens if you don't fertilize plants

What Happens If You Don’t Fertilize Plants

Everyone knows someone who has a green thumb. This person’s plants are vibrant, consistently growing, and seem to be thriving. Spoiler alert: These plants probably receive their fair share of fertilizer. So, what happens if you don’t fertilize plants? Will they wither up and die? Not exactly. If you don’t fertilize your plants, they will…

How to water a vertical succulent garden? | DIY Tips

How to water a vertical succulent garden? | DIY Tips

Vertical succulent gardens are wonderful things and if you have ever planted one, you’ll know just how fantastic they can look, and just how hard they can be to water effectively. Watering frequency is tricky to get right with plants at the best of times, and a vertical setup can be even harder to handle….

Why does my garden soil repel water? | Explained

Why does my garden soil repel water? | Explained

Have you ever observed that your garden soil sometimes seems to repel water, rather than absorbing it so that your plants can take it up via their roots? If so, you might be wondering why this happens. What makes soil go hydrophobic and how can you fix this so that it takes in water as…

Garden Lime

Is garden lime acidic or alkaline?

Have you ever wondered about putting lime on your garden, and questioned whether lime is acidic or alkaline? Will it raise or lower the PH in your garden? It’s important to know this before you try and use it, as going the wrong way could damage your plants and ruin your growing conditions. Lime is…

Do potato plants like acidic or alkaline soil?

Do potato plants like acidic or alkaline soil?

If you are keen to grow your own vegetables at home, you are probably trying to select the best vegetables for your conditions, or at least create the best conditions you can for the vegetables that you want to grow. Many people choose potatoes as a reasonably easy and productive crop, but what kind of…

Do pine trees attract mosquitoes?

Do pine trees attract mosquitoes?

Have you ever wondered why it’s so common to see swarms of bugs and mosquitoes nearby pine trees? The answer isn’t so obvious, but it has to do with the environment of the trees, rather than the trees themselves. The wet environment that pine trees naturally create is conducive for mosquitoes to lay their eggs…

Tips for creating a mini garden

Having a mini garden helps us to leave stress behind and enjoy moments of peace and tranquility. In addition, it is a good way to purify the air in your home. A mini garden is an exercise in creativity, organization and relaxation. It is a small piece of nature within the home that should be used in…

10 plants you can easily grow in your garden

Below we will tell you which are the ten plants that you can easily grow to give your home a much more natural and pleasant air. If you don’t have a lot of gardening skills or are still a novice, don’t worry. You can have your own mini garden, there are many plants that you can easily…