
Vertical garden: 4 ways to have one at home

  • Date: May 27, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.

Having a vertical garden can give our home a very personal touch. In this article we will show you several ideas to achieve it.

Having a vertical garden can give our home a very personal touch. We not only have to think that the vegetation can be on our terrace or garden. We can also have direct contact with nature in the living room or in the kitchen of our house.


There are no limits of space when it comes to vegetation and naturethere is always a good corner or hole to place a plant or a pot with aromatic herbs. Plants are life and they create great environments in the home.

We want to show you some ideas that you can carry out to build or create a vertical garden on any wall of your house. That is, to transform the wall into a real garden. With some creativity we will achieve very good optical effects. We tell you what you can do easily and safely.


Transforming a wall into a vertical garden is easy.

If you are tired of your pots or of always seeing your plants in the distance in your garden, learn how to make or get inspired by these vertical gardens to decorate your home.

You can help yourself with everyday items such as wooden boxes, plastic bottles or glass jars. They are materials that are very easy to find, inexpensive and that can be easily transformed to serve as the basis for our plants.

Vertical garden in your kitchen.

One of the most practical options is to make one of these vertical gardens in our kitchen, taking advantage of any small corner where some pots can fit to plant aromatic herbs or small plants that give us fruit.

Always within the spaces of your kitchen you can use a wall to build a vertical garden where you can plant everything you want. From strawberries to lettuce, there are no limits. You can build the containers with recycled materials. You can also buy some ready-made pots to be placed on a wall.

Vertical garden on the facade of our house.

You can use the same facade of the house to transform it into a vertical garden. Think about what type of vegetation you will plant because you will have to take into account the incidence of wind and sun rays.

In addition, you have to look for suitable materials to avoid leaks in the walls of the house, because we do not want water to seep into them because of our garden. One idea to avoid this is to buy or place wooden pots or aluminum cans and cover them with a waterproof canvas mesh.

Transform a wall inside your house.

If you want to give an original and colorful touch to the wall of your house, we advise you to place a vertical garden in your living room. Vertical gardens do not have to take up a lot of space, since it will depend on the part of the wall you want to cover.

With them you will create spaces in third dimension; In addition, they add an aesthetic and fun touch to any wall we choose. Likewise, you will improve the quality of the air in your home and you will not have to be moving pots to clean every corner. Vertical gardens are a way to save space and cleanliness.

Plants extract carbon dioxide and are capable of absorbing pollutants such as formaldehyde, which is found in some textile dyes that are used to dye carpets or are placed in resins in floors.

You can also add vertical planters to separate spaces. If you have walls in the middle or a column, you can cover it with plants to visually help separate those spaces.

Another way to place these vertical plants is to use a wooden ladder; you can leave it leaning against the wall so you don’t have to pierce it or do any work.

Plants in your study place.

Vegetation has a very good effect on humans; plants, shrubs, and trees calm us down and give us beneficial properties without our realizing it. It has been studied that vegetation can improve our mind and is beneficial for our brain.

This uses a lot of energy during the day and needs a break at night to disconnect and regain strength. Mental fatigue can be regenerated at home if we have a suitable space for it. Not only the bedroom is important, but also the place of study and work at home.

Make a vertical garden in the room where you usually spend more hours of concentration; with this you will achieve better results with less fatigue. Your productivity will be increased and, in addition, you will give it a great decorative touch.

Gardens that are placed vertically need less care; we mean that we are not at risk of having an insect infestation. This occurs because the bugs have it more difficult to reach the flowers, roots or soil.

As you can see, there are no limits in terms of vegetation in a home, we hope you have been inspired to make and place your own vertical gardens, you no longer have an excuse not to transform a wall into a beautiful landscape.

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