MyGardenIdea is a place to learn how to grow and care for lush green gardens with beautiful flowers, and easy to implement the latest home decoration ideas.
Do Mice Eat Basil

Do Mice Eat Basil?

A​s the weather warms up, many gardeners are starting to plant their vegetable gardens. There’s nothing worse than working hard to plant, water, and weed your garden–only to have the fruits of your labor enjoyed by mice. To keep mice away, avoid planting vegetables and herbs they enjoy. Do mice eat basil? M​ice do not…

Is Horse Manure Good For Clay Soil

Is Horse Manure Good For Clay Soil? (Everything You Need To Know)

I​f you’re trying to grow plants, having the right soil conditions is key. Clay soil presents challenging issues for gardeners–it’s tightly-packed, meaning water and air struggle to infiltrate the soil. This can make it difficult to grow much of anything, but amending the soil can help. Is horse manure good for improving clay soil?  …

How to Get Paint Out of Grass

How to Get Paint Out of Grass

You can use white vinegar or rubbing alcohol to gently remove the paint from real grass. Get spray paint or oil-based paints out of the artificial grass with special paint removers or a heavy-duty carpet cleaner; latex-based paints can be scrubbed off directly from the blades. How to Remove Paint from Real Grass Try to…

Can You Plant Pothos and Philodendron Together?

Can You Plant Pothos and Philodendron Together?

Pothos and philodendron can be planted together and often look very complementary when put in the same pot. They are from the same family, so their similarities make it easy for them to get along. In this article, you will learn why pothos and philodendron grow well together, what varieties of each are best to…

How to Grow Scotch Bonnet Peppers Indoors

How to Grow Scotch Bonnet Peppers Indoors

Scotch bonnet peppers are simple to grow indoors if you use the right tools. Start the seeds in small pots and move to a larger size when the seedlings are still small. Take care to keep the soil moist and fertilize weekly. Grow the peppers under a grow light rather than in the sunlight. In…

Can You Use Builder's Sand In The Garden?

Can You Use Builder’s Sand In The Garden?

Builder’s sand can be used in many different ways, including performing various functions in your garden. This article reveals the many ways you can use builder’s sand to enrich your garden and improve your plant growth. What Is Builder’s Sand? Builder’s sand is a coarse, gritty material. It gets its name from being a common…

Are Autumn Olive Thorns Poisonous?

Are Autumn Olive Thorns Poisonous?

Autumn Olive thorns can be very painful, but are they poisonous? They aren’t listed among the poisonous or toxic plants around the world, but there are still reasons to be wary of getting pricked. In this article, you can explore the dangers of these thorns, how to avoid them, and what to do if you…

Do groundhogs eat hydrangeas

Do groundhogs eat hydrangeas

Groundhogs are notorious for their ability to destroy gardens. They will often eat just about anything you plant, including hydrangeas, and have you searching for ways to protect your garden from destruction. Although groundhogs eat a variety of different plants, there are some plants you can add to your garden that can help deter a…

Can You Fill in a Raised Bed with Just Compost

Can You Fill in a Raised Bed with Just Compost?

With all of the incredible benefits that come with putting compost in your garden, it’s understandable that you would consider filling a raised bed with nothing but compost. However, it’s not the best idea. While you certainly can fill your raised be with nothing but compost, it’s not a good idea for several reasons. While…

How Much Sun Does Parsley Need

How Much Sun Does Parsley Need?

Parsley grows optimally with at least six hours of full sunlight. Planting parsley in partial shade is recommended in hotter climates as long as the plant receives direct sunlight for part of the day. In this article, you will learn how much sun indoor parsley needs, what happens if parsley receives too much or too…