MyGardenIdea is a place to learn how to grow and care for lush green gardens with beautiful flowers, and easy to implement the latest home decoration ideas.

6 ways to decorate the entrance of your house that will be the envy of your neighbors

There are many resources and a large number of variants to achieve the entrance that we always wanted for our house. Next, we show you some of them so that everyone stops to admire your home every time they pass or visit you. Having a house that makes us feel comfortable inside is essential. It is…

What are the special care you should give to the garden plants?

Having a garden requires time and knowledge. For this reason, we tell you what special care you must have so that your plants look radiant. Gardening requires techniques, time and the materials necessary to do a good job. Plants need special care. They are living beings and must be respected as such. Just as our pets…

How to grow a vine without damaging your garden

Creepers are no longer a symbol of a house’s neglect. Now they are an ornamental element that many people do not hesitate to take advantage of to give a natural touch to their home. First of all, it should be noted that there are 250 types of creeper. They are perfect plants to decorate and very easy…

8 types of daisies and their care

Did you know that there are a wide variety of species of daisies? If you want to have them in your garden you should know which are the most popular and how to take care of them. We tell you in detail. If you are thinking of planting daisies on your balcony or garden, you…

How to make an urban garden in a small space

To create an urban garden it is enough to know some basic aspects of cultivation. Take advantage of your terrace or roof terrace and enjoy this green space in your home. Despite the massive growth of cities and great technological advances, the possibility of creating an urban garden in our apartment continues to arouse great interest. However,…

Balinese beds ideal for decorating outdoor spaces

Balinese beds are a very elegant and functional decorative element for your outdoor spaces. This time we share everything you need to know about them. Balinese beds are a very functional decorative element for outdoor spaces. These are the latest furniture trend, in the decoration of spacious and natural spaces. The outdoor concept beds seek…

5 types of flowers for a balcony garden

There is nothing more relaxing than a balcony full of flowers of different colors. We will show you the 5 best options for your space. We will show you the best balcony flowers  you can find. It is a beautiful and ecological way to decorate a small or large space, filling it with color, life and multiple…

6 uses of cinnamon to keep garden plants healthy

Due to its ability to protect against fungi and nourish the soil, cinnamon is an excellent ally for gardening. Cinnamon is an ingredient that has been used since ancient times in both gastronomy and natural medicine. However, few know that it is also an excellent ally to keep garden plants healthy without the need for harmful chemicals. Although today…

Plants that you can use as a natural repellent for fleas and ticks

Some plants can serve as a natural repellent against insects such as fleas and ticks. Do you have this problem at home? Discover the options and try to have them in your garden. For some time now, many people have chosen to use a natural repellent when fighting fleas and ticks. Although the options they…

Amazing Pools With Object Shapes

Here we present a selection of the most incredible pools with object shapes. Many will leave you amazed by their originality! Pools in the shape of objects are a trend that has gained more and more strength since the 1990s and, especially, since the first decade of 2010.  It consists of a type of construction that…